On one hand, I'd like to state that I have been doing a good job with my New Year's goals...so yay me! haha
And now for a few pictures from my recent trip to my alma mater, Purdue!! :) Oh how I love West Lafayette and all that is Boilermaker country. Seriously. I cannot get enough of that place! It's no wonder I have consistently been trying to land a job at Purdue ever since I graduated. ha So if you know anyone who would hire me up there, help me out! haha (No really, I'd move back in a heartbeat!)
Okay, anyway....the trip started out just as a one-night deal to visit our cousin (also Erin, or as the family calls her, E2). E2 is currently back at Purdue, for this semester, to finish her graduate degree. Since her husband is in the military and going through yet another training school, she is there living in an apartment with their sweet dog Leo (who does not like apartment living all that much). Jenna & I easily talked E2 into a Cactus trip...we needed some Piano Bar in our lives! ha ;) All I can say about that (in retrospect) is that I never did learn how to pace myself when there because the drinks are sooooooooooooooo good AND soooooooooooooooo cheap! It was a long night....one in which I was probably in the worst shape I've ever been in after drinking. *insert sad face & laughter* Just a few days before we were ready to head up to West Laffy, I found out the Athletic Office still had Michigan State tickets for that weekend, and was able to score some! It was an AWESOME game and if you didn't tune in for the Boiler WIN, you missed a rowdy and rockin' good time! I am still getting my voice back nearly a week later! haha The Paint Crew was tweeting the decibel levels throughout the game and it stayed between 100-115 decibels the entire time...it's no wonder when we made it back to Indy at about 1am Sunday morning to sleep, that my ears were still ringing in the silence of Jen's apartment. :p
E1, E2, Jen at the Neon Cactus