I am happy to report that this week I have lost another 1.2 pounds! I have now lost a total of almost 43 pounds! So thankful for that!! :)

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1. What is your current favorite tv show?
hmmm...that's a tough one because I honestly haven't been watching much tv. Too much other stuff to do! I would have to say that I have enjoyed The Voice when I've remembered that it's on or I've watched it on DVR.
2. What's the worst haircut you ever got?
I'm not sure it counts as a haircut, but the worst ever hairstyle would be when I was too young to choose my own cut and had a q-tip head of a perm. hahaha Seriously. The 80's were not kind to us.
3. What was something that you did as a child that you thought you were so cool for doing?
I did think I was pretty big stuff when I was picking my own outfits...nothing was cooler than slouch socks, tie dye shirts, big shirts knotted on your hip, slap bracelets, high top sneakers, silk shirts...oh the 80's and early 90's. Do you remember those days? Oy. ha
4. Do you have any GREAT frugal family fun tips?
I think the most frugal thing that our family does...but that we all LOVE...is to sit around a campfire. It's pretty much free. We always have a good time. Lots of laughter. :)
5. Would you drive across country if you had the money to fly?
Yes and no. I would LOVE to take a road trip around the country and see all the beautiful sights. HOWEVER, yes I alluded to a double-edged sword. I have done road trips before and it usually ends up with people being unhappy with each other while enclosed in a vehicle. I don't care to repeat that part of the experience anytime soon. I love love love to fly. I'd probably fly to my destination and do what we normally do - rent a vehicle and drive hours in all directions around the area!
Your answers could be my answers. I could not think of a bad haircut until you reminded me of the bad perms in the 80s!