*sigh* Well friends...here I sit...FINALLY getting a chance to blog! The sad thing is, there's so much to say that I probably will just give in and go the easy route with a simple few sentences to sum things up while I've been on my blogging hiatus (an unintentional one at that) and throw in lots of pictures to distract you from that fact! ha
We've been super duper busy as always! We even managed to fit in a Thanksgiving trip to Gatlinburg, TN to relax for a few days. It was a fantastic trip and I wish it wasn't over....coming back to work and dealing with open enrollment for insurance (lots of new options this year), plus still doing 2 jobs at once, fitting Scentsy stuff in as much as I can, getting ready for Christmas, and working on wedding plans...life has been chaotic at best. I get worn out just thinking about it!
Before the trip there was wedding registry stuff, Christmas shopping, work, and making plans for the holidays.
I unfortunately don't get any other break from work besides the normal weekends until the week of Christmas. The countdown is on! Speaking of countdowns...did you know that Christmas is 27 days away??? I almost have my Christmas shopping done. Just have to get online and order the last few items. Once again, it's mostly about finding the time to do it.
And now for some pictures of what we've been up to!
**Tried posting this last week, but I am out of photo storage space and I refuse to pay for more! ha Had to delete a lot of pics, so if you are looking through old posts and a picture is missing, that is why!**
Thyroid Surgery
2 weeks ago
How did I miss this?! The stockings are looking good!! :)