On Saturday, July 31st our little group of 5 headed for the Indy airport to begin our journey. We should have known from the moment Vonda mentioned how funny so many of our times together were and that we should be journaling everything...that something was about to happen! :p We made it to PnF (Park n Fly...love the valet service! it's soooo worth it!) and as Vonda, DeVota, and I were on the shuttle to the terminal, Sheila and Kelley called us to tell us that our flight had been delayed. OH JOY. Let the fun begin!
We met them in the terminal so we could get checked in together. Sheila, Kelley, and Vonda had gotten their tickets together, so they checked in first. Then DeVota and I tried to checkin. The little girl working the ticket counter tells us that there is only one seat available on the connecting flight, but that there's a different flight available, so we say that's fine, we'll go together. She starts looking, but oh wait...only one seat available there too! Good grief. She says don't worry and taps away at her keyboard. She then tells us that she's giving us the royalty treatment and we're flying first class! Woohoo! Now that's what I call an upgrade! ha ;) She didn't even charge us baggage fees for our checked bags. I'm liking her more and more. From then on, the rest of the group called us First Classers. haha It made for a funny joke the entire trip. We stop and have breakfast since we have another hour we didn't think we'd have. We make it through security...finally. (Vonda had to take off ALL her jewelry and DeVota had to empty her water bottle.) We get to the gate and wait...and wait...and wait. Another delay later, which is a total of 3 hours AFTER we were originally supposed to leave Indy, we finally board the plane for our layover in Detroit. (Where do the airports come up with these routes? Seriously.)
Wouldn't you know it...our flight to Detroit had 10...yes, 10 people on it! GRRRR. We were starting to be unhappy at this point. We get to Detroit and at the point when we should have been boarding the plane, I decide to go check the board. Sure enough, we had been delayed another hour. Now we're all really unhappy because we had plans for when we got to Dallas and that place closes at 6, so we know we're going to miss out. We texted our friends who drove there and told them what to get us! haha We are able to get on this flight...and this is what DeVota and I have been waiting for...our first class seats! :) Unfortunately, I had a migraine and had forgot my children's tylenol and DeVota was exhausted. We slept the entire flight. haha Some travelers we are. :p
We made it to Dallas, hopped on a Super Shuttle to our hotel, and spent the evening hanging out with friends! We had dinner at one of Mary Kay Ash's favorite places, El Fenix. Then we hung out in another group's hotel room until 11pm, and went back to our room only to talk for another 1.5 hours. haha It was probably one of my favorite nights of the whole trip!
The next few days we spent learning and being inspired by our Mary Kay sisters! Unbelievable! You haven't had BIG dreams or been pampered by a company until you've truly been a part of Mary Kay. I'll just let the pictures tell the story!
My NSD Linda Toupin being presented a plaque for reaching $5 million in commissions with Mary Kay!

Needless to say, it was another awesome experience. We made it back to the Indy airport (thru Atlanta on the way home) at about 11:30pm and made it to Osgood at about 1:30am.
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