
Friday, March 7, 2014

5 On Friday


New foods. Also learning to love foods I haven't had in a long time. It's really a combo of the two. Trying many new things and eating things I used to eat all in the name of nutrition and health. Recently, greek yogurt, hummus, acorn squash and Larabars have entered my world. I have been doing a 30 day Paleo challenge. Today is the end of week 3 and it's been great! I've honestly not had too many cravings. Feels good! If you follow me on Instagram and you're tired of my paleo food posts... #sorrynotsorry

New makeup. My friend, Jerri Lynn, is the makeup queen. She's the one who so expertly did my makeup (and the bridesmaids' makeup) for our wedding. Being broke is no fun, but she tries all the products (Wal-Mart cheaper versions to Ulta/Sephora expensive versions) and helped me find a few new items. I am running low on most of what I have (except eye shadow) and I have very sensitive skin, but so far the new stuff seems to be doing well.

A job. Today marks the end of my second week at the new job and I have to say that's it is going pretty well. I share a cubicle with a girl who I surprisingly have A LOT in common with! Marie is awesome though. We make the work day fun and help each other through all the questions. It is a bit mentally taxing working in the Quality/Regulatory Affairs department, but so far so good. I feel like I've picked it up fairly quickly and haven't made too many mistakes! ha

Scentsy. The new Spring/Summer catalog debuted at the beginning of the month! I have my catalogs and the new scent testers on hand...LOVE! This amazing company keeps outdoing themselves. The warmers are even more beautiful than before and the scents are so fun. When I got the new scents, I asked my family to tell me what they thought the name of the one scent was as they passed it around...Tomato Vines! haha And yes, it seriously smells like that. So if you love to garden or miss having a garden, it might be the scent for you!

Ginger ale, Fisherman Friend's cough drops & generic Nasal Spray. Ugh. Being in a cube farm (yes, my work is rows and rows of cubicles on different floors) is my worst nightmare for sharing germs. Ever since my leg/blood clot issues from the past summer, I have had a horrible time getting over colds. I have had a slight cough most of the winter. Ever since my second day at work, I've been battling sickness. To make matters worse, it has gone beyond a common cold to some sort of virus that is getting passed around. Everyone in our department seems to be sharing...and I really wish they weren't all so generous with sharing!

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