Feeling stronger every day from my strength training...and I didn't think I would! ha Silly, I know. It has really been a mostly mental battle (aside from my ankle/leg problems from last summer which really don't hold me back any). I am amazed most every time I meet with Abby, who is just a rockstar personal trainer! I actually look forward to working out with her once a week...and literally, leaving exhausted and barely able to move the next day. She has given me two different at-home strength training workouts and this latest one has me doing a plank that alternates from forearms to hands. Woah. Saw that on my "to do" list and thought, well I will attempt it, but will probably end up just holding the forearm plank. And you know what? I actually DID IT. You read that right! I was able to do the alternating plank...all 3 times I had it on my workout list! Crazy! Anyway...I am moving to a Clean Eating plan vs. the Paleo plan I've been using. I am excited about the change and being able to add a few things back into my diet. I went grocery shopping and loaded up on all the good stuff again. Ready to tackle a new week!
Sunday, March 9 - home strength training #1 (workout designed by Abby)
Monday, March 10 - 1 hour training session with Abby
Tuesday, March 11 - walked 3 miles with Leslie Sansone Power Walk (YouTube) + plank
Wednesday, March 12 - home strength training #1 (workout designed by Abby)
Thursday, March 13 - walked 4 miles with Leslie Sansone Boosted Walk (YouTube)
Friday, March 14 - home strength training #2 (workout designed by Abby)
Saturday, March 15 - rest day
You are doing so awesome! So proud of you! I've totally been slacking with my workouts. I really need to get back on track with my consistency!