
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 91 & Thankful Thursday's been a few weeks since I've linked up with Rebecca, so here goes nothing!

I am thankful that we leave for vacation on Saturday! I need the beach, cold drinks, and lots of good food. (No, I'm not counting points this upcoming week.)

My bags are packed...I'm ready to go! :)

I'm thankful for a job, even though weeks like this make me wonder about my sanity, but it's a paycheck and really it's no so bad. ha

I'm thankful for my family and friends who are always there to support me.

I am thankful that my good friends, Pete & Karissa, made it safely to the States for their 5 week visit. (They live in Australia.) Looking forward to getting to spend some time with them and their adorable babies, well they aren't babies so much anymore! ha


  1. I hope you don't mind, I gave your blog address to another blogging buddy of mine. She just started WW and is looking for a WW buddy on blogspot. She may be popping over to say hi soon! :o) Have a good vacation!

  2. I don't mind at all! The more the merrier. :) It's definitely easier with friends!

  3. yay for vacation! I'm excited to see that you have fun planned for the Fourth.

    A job is always something to be thankful for in this economy! I always feel really guilty when I complain about my husband's job because I know we are so blessed.

    PS- I'm not counting points this weekend either! Shhh....don't tell ;)



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