Seriously. There is no other word for how I feel. I am beyond exhaustion. Too many late nights this past week! I napped one night this week and today I took a 4.5 hour nap! EEK! I am hoping to get to bed early tonight (or at least at a decent hour), but seeing as how it's 8:30pm and I haven't even started on 2 design jobs I need to finish this weekend, that might not happen.
This morning I had to take my car to the dealership for a regular service appointment - oil change/tire rotation/etc. Since my dealer is in Florence, I made a quick trip to Crestview Hills to exchange a top I bought last weekend (I had tried on 2 sizes and grabbed the wrong one!) and pick up a few items at Sephora. It was my first Sephora trip and while I'll always be an Ulta fan, I do foresee more trips to Sephora in the future! That stop hurt my bank account. Why does makeup and supplies have to be so darn expensive?!?
This afternoon when I got home, I slept on the couch for 4.5 hours (I had my alarm set for the 2.5 hour mark, but fell right back asleep when I turned it off...ha). Then we had dinner, started a load of laundry, and did some cleaning. Now I'm procrastinating on my design work and updating my blog. *sigh*
.....and now for the much anticipated (har har har...hardly!) update on the "date" situation. ;) A few of you have been keeping up via Twitter. A few of you have gotten text updates. And now everyone will get the story, abbreviated version. ha
Thursday night I went over to co-worker boy's house to hang out. It was our first "date." A little about co-worker boy: he's 31 (32 next month), grew up in a nearby small town (like it's smaller than my town!), works in Environmental Mgmt/Wastewater Treatment at our plant, is the youngest of 3 boys, lives in a house that some of my older relatives lived in when I was little (that couple is no longer alive), babysits his niece and nephews, stays in shape (seriously, it's a little intimidating to be my size and truly believe he's interested in me - ugh - I digress), he's smart and enjoys learning, he loves sports, he has a dog & cat, he's a country boy and wants to stay in the country, he's sweet, he has a great sense of humor, close to his parents, and as my "bro" would say - he's the darndest nice guy. ;) Back to the story......we watched a couple of basketball games and chatted pretty much the whole time, so much so that I would have a hard time recapping said basketball games. :p He is extremely shy at work, but luckily doesn't seem to have a problem talking to me. I ended up leaving his house at 11:15pm (yes, a 3.5 hour first date) and by the time I was walking in the door to the house, he was texting to tell me he'd had a great time and asking if I'd like to spend more time with him. :) Some side commentary - we sat on his loveseat the whole night, side by side, just BARELY touching. I kept thinking that it felt like he WANTED to put his arm around me, but he never did. I even thought he was gonna lean in for a kiss at the end of the night, but didn't. I'm pretty sure I didn't read the situation wrong and even though I was slightly disappointed about no hug, I was also relieved that he wasn't going to be the pushy type.
Fast forward to Friday night...I went over to co-worker boy's house AGAIN. ;) haha We watched The Tourist...have you seen that movie? It's normally not the type I'd choose, but it was actually good! I missed the first 10 minutes, so he had to fill me in since he'd seen it before, and we chatted off and on during the movie, but mostly just watched in companionable silence. After the movie, we watched parts of a few different basketball games. This time, he actually did pull me in close to him on the loveseat and put his arm around me. ;) Oh.....and he's the forehead-kissing type. Totally a melt-my-heart kinda moment. Always hoped to find a guy like that and now I know they aren't urban legends! ha We watched the end of Austin Powers 2 movie and then that was the end of our night. It was a majorly late night...I'm not even gonna post what time I got home! ha There was lots of talking again during the basketball games. I honestly believe I know more about co-worker boy in our 2 dates and 4 days of "talking" than I did about a few of the guys I've dated in the past.
So the big question from everyone has been....what about engineering boy? (That's the boy from the past Wednesday date) Background info on engineering boy: he's 32, he's an Electrical Engineer that works as a problem solving specialist for a national firm in Cincy, he's originally from the Chicago area, the oldest of 3 boys, extremely sarcastic, great sense of humor, loves city life, is really outgoing, enjoys being challenged (he took advanced courses as Rose Hulman - can we say, crazy man?), he has a dog, he's close with his family, and he's the hugging type. He got back in town late Thursday night and we have been texting since he's been back, but not quite the intensity as before. It's hard to distinguish if it's because he's so busy with work, he's just not that interested, or if it's because I'm not as interested. Ugh.
Moral of the story - juggling 2 guys is not for the faint of heart. There is a reason why I've only ever dated one guy at a time. ha I always watched friends date several guys at a time and one right after the other. I don't think I'm cut out for the life of a serial dater. I just wanna find that one guy that I can imagine spending every day with...is that really so much to ask??
Okay, an hour later and I just finished typing this...and no, I haven't started the design work yet...and I was planning to go to bed at 10pm. :(
Thyroid Surgery
5 weeks ago
Ohh.. be-still-my-heart! I vote for coworker.. ahh! As I read your post.. I felt like you had more of a giddiness speaking of him that you did of the city slicker! ;)