Saturday morning I had my 1 day Lasik follow-up appointment and all was well. Since the appointment took all of 8 minutes, it was too early to do the shopping I had planned, so I made the trip home for a pedicure and grocery shopping. ha I also enjoyed one of my favorite treats, a Chocolate Ganache cupcake from Holy Cow Cupcake in Carmel! BEST CUPCAKES IN INDY. :) Thanks mom and Jen!
I was a bum all day and even took a nap! I spent the early evening getting ready for my date with the electrician. He knows how much my family enjoys going out to new restaurants, especially ones featured on shows with Adam and Guy (Food Network). ha So, he surprised me with a dinner date to Virgil's Cafe in Bellevue, KY. It was a little bit of a drive for us (especially after he worked a 12 hour shift AND had get his son to where he was spending the night, plus shower and get ready for the date) but we had an easy conversation the entire trip there. The food was good, not great, but the company made it worthwhile. It's definitely the service that makes that place famous! EVERY staff member treated us like they had known us their whole lives and neither of us had ever been there before. ha I am gonna go out on a limb here and say that I'm pretty confident there will be more dates with this guy. Still not convinced I'm ready to handle the "dad" side of his life (I do not want to rush that part and he understands), but I like him and it feels easy and fun. :) Time will tell. Sorry Missy, no self-portraits! haha Maybe next time ;) I'm surprised he didn't pull out his phone for a pic :p I had NO service the entire date so I didn't even bother looking at my phone. ha
As for updates on the other boys - I'd say hotty-bo-botty and golf boy are out of the picture. Have not heard from golf boy since before I told ya'll about him! Hotty-bo-botty texted me randomly Friday morning, but nothing since then and especially nothing of importance. Coworker boy is still as friendly as ever. Engineering boy is still traveling each week for work and I get texts very rarely. He's still interested, but I feel my interest fading fast.
Thyroid Surgery
5 weeks ago
Wow, you are a hot commodity! ;) Good for you! Can't wait to see their smiling hunky faces!