Here's a look back at my week in photos:
Toby LOVES sunshine...ha
I adore getting new charms for Scentsy accomplishments!
THE Hooter's wings recipe - hubby wants to try this
it must be love...I sat in the car for 2.5 hours while Eric interviewed for a job (yes, he ended up going through the interview with 3 different people...wish they'd warned us it would take that long!)
since I'm not working & we have no money, I rarely wear makeup (trying to save what I do have for in case I get a job, etc.) - it was a rare week since I wore it 2x! haven't worn any since New Year's Day
Happy Birthday Eric! made him his favorite cake - Cherry Chip with Cherry Icing (it's extremely difficult to find around here)
a warm day! It hit 61 on our drive to Louisville area & I was excited to see some of the snow melting away when we got home
Congrats on your new charm! How long have you been with Sentsy?