Sunday afternoon, my cousin Sara (and her husband, Andy), held a birthday party for their little girl Callie's 1st Birthday! It was a rather fun day...lots of family, friends, kids, food, and of course...FUN!!
Here's a few pictures of the fun...if you want to see more, you'll have to log on to Facebook! Even then, I only posted 167 of the 221 pictures I took. (I was playing with my camera so I could get better before Australia! haha)
the kids LOVED the bounce castle!

the birthday girl! she ate her cake so properly...ha
opening her gift from us :)
the pinata was a major source of entertainment!
my childhood friend Bridget and her adorable little girl Sara
YAY! finally the candy!! (it only took about 20 ppl hitting it, the men included!)

**As I started posting this, I decided that I would start uploading my pictures to Flickr, but it doesn't give me enough space to upload all my pics and I don't really want to purchase I'm going to keep searching for a better way to store everything. I'll keep you updated! :p