I'm excited to say that I've lost another 1.2 pounds! Loving this healthy lifestyle. So excited to continue shedding the pounds. I was looking through some old pictures with AxMan this week and he was amazed at how much I've lost. He's lost quite a bit over the past 5 months as well. He doesn't have to workout though, he burns a ton of calories on the job everyday! ha
Last week I was too busy to play along with 5QF even though one of the questions was mine! Bummer. :( This week, one of the questions is again mine...hope you'll link up!

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1. Did you do anything special for your kids on the last day of school? Or did your parents do anything special for you?
No kids and don't remember my parents/grandparents doing anything special for us as kids. I think we did the typical "last day of xx grade" pictures. haha We were always too excited about summer to be concerned with anything extra just because of school ending.
2. What's your favorite summer tradition with your kids?
Again, no kids of mine...however, this summer I can see myself making a tradition of park days with AxMan and his girls. I have also done special "dates" with my cousin, Ethan, to play golf and eat ice cream. We always have fun together. This summer I plan to make some baseball games to see my good friend O's kiddos play! Love them to pieces and it will be fun to spend time with them.
3. What was your favorite thing to do during the summer as a kid?
This is so silly, but there were 2 things that I always really enjoyed as a kid. The first was the week spent at the county fair each summer (usually the week of my birthday). We were super 4-H'ers and took tons of projects and my parents were very involved as leaders. I still make it to the fair several nights! The other thing that I remember the most about summers was swimming. Swimming at my grandma's house...she had the most awesome in-ground pool that was also like a greenhouse/atrium glass enclosed. Swimming at our friend DeeDee's house (still do that! ha). And of course, hanging the swings really high on the swingset and jumping into the kiddie pool we set up at my other grandparent's house. Yep, we surely were the kids who gave their parents and grandparents heart attacks on a daily basis! ;)
4. How old were you when you married? Were you a Bridezilla?
Not married, but guessing if it ever happens...I'll be in my 30's as I'm about to hit that milestone next month! ha I would love to say I wouldn't be a bridezilla, but anyone who REALLY knows me and my obsessive need to plan events would tend to believe that I will most likely be a crazy bride. I must say though that as I get older, I'm more determined to have a smaller wedding somewhere (like a beach) and then have a big reception upon our return. I think that would be less stressful! ha (And yes Jen, I'll probably still be a bridezilla. So sue me! ha)
5. What is your favorite girl name?
I normally wouldn't share this, but seeing as how I have a previous friend who "stole" this name (I've loved this name since junior high), I wouldn't ever use it for my own child. Kylee. I knew a girl growing up that spelled her name - Kylie. And I pretty much idolized her and thought she was THE coolest. haha Why the double E? Well, I knew a girl - Ashlee - and I always liked the unique spelling that wasn't too crazy, but just different enough. Ya know?!? Oh well. ha
:) Feel free to name your daughter Missee.. hey... it could work! ;)
ReplyDeleteI noticed with wedding planning that the reception details are the craziest - not the wedding itself. My friends that travelled have said to either have it ALL at the away location or ALL local - since doing between the two was just crazier. :) Just their opinions I would pass on to help.
ReplyDeleteKylee - that's a neat way of spelling it without going too far "out there." I have a friend who has a daughter named Kylie...so I can't use it, but I'll remember the "ee" idea for other ones too! Thanks!
I was such a pool rat at our local pool. I can't wait to have kids so I have an excuse to go back. I even lifeguarded in high school. Great tan but now I have sunspots! I like the name Lily for a girl.