So, as you all know from reading my gibberish everyday...there's a wonderful guy in my life (aka AxMan). Yesterday I met his daughters (aka Katniss & Lorraine - more on these monikers in the following paragraphs!). If you read yesterday morning's post, you'll know I woke up feeling like everything was right in my world. Such a good feeling! :) That feeling only intensified throughout the day. Last night, AxMan and I were texting after he went home...and I told him that for the first time, I felt complete. He replied that he did as well...and that his girls were the happiest he'd seen them in a long time. *melt my heart* I had a lot of those heart melting moments yesterday...I've always known in my heart (since I was very young), that I was born to be a mother and a wife. Crazy? Maybe. Yesterday just cemented that for me. No matter what form it comes as in the future.
I had plans to meet AxMan and his daughters in Greensburg for lunch when mom and I were up there getting groceries for the week. I got a text while I was getting ready asking if he could just stop by and say hi real quick and pick up the mini fridge. (He's borrowing our mini fridge.) I was sort of confused because I thought he was panicking and pulling a stunt like I dealt with before (with Electrician). I told him I wasn't quite ready yet (I was dressed, but no makeup and wet hair up in a towel...yowza), but he said I'd like beautiful no matter what and the girls wanted to meet me. I combed my hair and put on a smile...and they were here! I took Toby outside with me to meet the girls and he soaked up all their attention. What a ham! We stood there talking and carrying on for about 30 minutes. When the girls were off playing with Toby and petting our other dogs, he told me he hadn't really had the money for lunch (it's been tough for him lately), to which I replied that I had planned to treat them all to lunch anyway. I hadn't told him because he's a man and very prideful. ha He had a hard time accepting it, but eventually said if the offer still stood, the girls would love to spend more time with me (as would he) and they'd still join us. So, after he ran to his sister's to pick up some of his yard equipment (he does landscaping on the side), they met mom and I at Storie's for a delicious...and quite funny lunch. I don't think we lacked for conversation at all. The girls are bright, funny, and sweet. They seemed comfortable with me and mom. I even sat by the girls and AxMan sat on the other side of me. The younger one was having trouble cutting up her chicken strips (kids are so funny with their habits, but then so are adults!), so I asked if she wanted help and she handed me her plate so I could do it. He looked kinda funny at me and asked if it was okay, that he could do it. I told him it was fine, I wouldn't have offered if I didn't wanna do it. ha Men! :p Sometimes they just don't get we show our affection in a million different ways. Lunch lasted about 1.5 hours! Craziness. It flew by and I'm so glad I got that time with them.
Mom and I went on our merry way to get groceries and AxMan took the girls to his mom's while he mowed a few yards nearby there. I was standing in line to pay (you know good ol' Wal-Mart can only have 3 lines open when there are a BILLION people trying to check out...grrrr) when I got tackled! hahaha There was Katniss & Lorraine! And here came their daddy...smiling and laughing. He needed a few things and didn't think they would see me, but the girls were apparently on the lookout for me. ;) So I got to talk to them a few more minutes while we waited in line.
That evening he picked up a pizza and brought the girls over to watch a movie. On the way over...our text convo looked a bit like this:
AxMan: I plan on some hugs and kisses tonight. Just so you know.
Me: Are we allowed to cuddle during the movie?
AxMan: I just asked the girls and they said yes to cuddling. ha
Me: How about those kisses? ;)
AxMan: I asked. I got eye rolling and smiles. Yes, we've got the green light. ;)
Me: Glad to know we have approval! haha
I have never had to get permission to hug or kiss a boyfriend before...but I'm glad the girls approve. The pizza & movie were actually their idea. They wanted to see me again! AWWWWWWWWW How cute is that?? If you can't tell, I'm just as smitten with them as with their dad. The girls quickly ended up being bored with the movie and they wanted to talk. So they sat on the floor amidst the pile of pillows and blankets I had out for them, playing with Toby and asking me questions while I was curled up on the couch in AxMan's arms (per usual). At about 10:30, the girls said they were tired, but they didn't wanna leave me. So AxMan told them to lay down and when they were ready to go home, he'd get them up. ha They enthusiastically covered up with my Purdue blanket (did I mention his major flaw is that he's an IU fan? hahaha). He jokingly told them they were grounded. haha The girls then asked me to take a picture and post in on Facebook. I didn't post it on FB cause I didn't know if he was ready for that, but I am gonna post it here and I did text him the pic! Katniss ended up falling asleep on my bed, but Lorraine was wound for sound the entire night! They ended up waking Katniss and going home around midnight. Not an exciting night by any means, but a perfect one in my book. :) the reasons for the girls names. The oldest girl is 12 and is completely obsessed with Hunger Games. She has dark hair, is learning to shoot a bow, and has boots like Katniss wore in the movie. AxMan has a picture of her on his phone with her hair pulled back, shooting the bow, with her boots on...she looks very much like a young Katniss! The youngest girl is 9 and quirky sweet. ha She is blonde and precocious, much like the character Lorraine (that Dakota Fanning plays) in Uptown Girls. And there you have it...Katniss & Lorraine. He told me throughout the day that the girls NEVER stopped talking about me. Before they left last night, they even hugged me!! Seriously, how can you not get attached when it's like that? And yes, I know I could be setting myself up for huge disappointment, but for once, I'm not going to let any doubts or fear of getting hurt stop me from giving all of myself. They were already asking AxMan when they would get to see me again. The girls were trying to wrangle an invite for today...and of course, that would be fine with me. He admonished them for inviting themselves over, but of course, I know he loves it just as much as they do, so it wasn't too firm on that. ;)
And now for some pictures. Sorry, AxMan and I have not yet taken a picture together because I usually have no makeup on when he comes over to hang out. Honestly, I'm lazy after a day at work, exercising and I don't bother putting makeup on for the second time in the day...and he prefers me without it. I plan to remedy that this week/upcoming weekend. So, for now you have to settle for a picture from Easter that his cousin took of him watching the kids play in the yard at their family get-together. He looks much younger in person when he's smiling and joking around. But for the most part, this is him. And then the rest of the pics are of the girls from last night.
Thyroid Surgery
5 weeks ago
YAY!!! :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great night and he sounds like a sweetheart!