I'm a fast reader. I fly through stacks of books. That's both good and bad! I've read so many books I couldn't even begin to count....and thus knowledge and new words have become part of my life. I also have spent a sum of money I don't even want to think about on books! :p
For awhile I traded books with some of my mom's friends and even dare I say it, the step-witch!
Now I am in on a big craze, e-readers! I got an Amazon Kindle for Christmas and it is probably one of my favorite gifts EVER. I mean E-V-E-R.

There are now features that allow you to "loan" your Kindle library to friends who have Kindle for PC, Kindle for Blackberry, Kindle for Android, Kindle for iPod/iPhone, or just plain ol' Kindle. ha So, if you have the Kindle app downloaded on your computer (I did before I got my Kindle and loved it!) or you have one of the other options and would like to borrow a book sometime, let me know! I'd be happy to loan it to you.
I'm a constant watcher of the Amazon Free Bestsellers List to download books and somehow always get caught up in series book. I tend to like funny mysteries with a romantic twist. Case in point, check out the books below that I highly recommend for a light read! (Oh & did I mention the last few series I've read included recipes for all the goods they "make" in the book? Score!)
Hannah Swensen series (this one is a serious book devotion...like 15 books & I have the newest one from last week)

The Potluck Club series (4 books)

Weddings by Bella series (3 books)

Happy reading!