I have the honor of thanking the lovely Nikki over at The Pink Growl! Nikki and I have gotten to know each other through our blogs and twitter...and I'm hoping to meet her IRL this fall! She's an awesome down-to-earth gal who loves her sports as much as I do. :)
Number 2 - Share 7 things about yourself.
1. My current favorite TV show is The Voice. I love love love Blake Shelton & Adam Levine and their snarky comments to each other! The judges all keep it interesting and the talent is off the charts. If you haven't watched it yet, go check it out. It's season 2 and it's better than ever.
2. You already know this, but for any new people out there...I am a big Purdue Boilermakers fan! I claim being brainwashed in the womb (both parents & an uncle & my paternal grandfather are grads). haha I love Big 10 sports and you can always find me cheering on my Boilers! #BoilerUp
3. I have sung for weddings. The most recent one was 2 years ago, going on 3 probably. Goodness! It feels like it's been a lifetime ago. I grew up being carted around to a wedding EVERY weekend of the summer and early fall months because my mom is a super talented pianist/organist and one of our good family friends is an equally talented vocalist. Some of my favorite childhood memories revolve around those weddings and being in awe of mom and Pam. It's been fun to sing at weddings when mom plays! Unfortunately, I've strained my voice SOOOOO many times that I have to be careful about choosing to do public performances these days...but my heart will always be happy when I'm singing.
4. I am a Coach purse addict. I would buy them all the time IF I could afford 'em! As much as my sister is shocked by the behavior, I also sell them in order to fund the next purchase. ha Hey, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! My 1st Coach purse was bought in NYC at the mega Coach store and my favorites were purchased at the outlet in Sevierville, TN.
5. My cell phone is really just an extension of me. Seriously. I am so thankful that texting and twitter weren't around when I was in college because I would never have accomplished a thing! On another note, when texting first became popular, I resisted until a boyfriend talked me into it. I somehow thought 200 text messages a month would be sufficient. LMAO Yeah, right. Try a $1,000 cell phone bill later (although I talked it down to $300 - for 3 lines altogether) and I have been an unlimited texter ever since!! There have been points in life that I have been a 500+ text message per day kinda gal. It's slowed way down since then. :p
6. The car I'm currently driving, a 2011 Chevy Cruze, is my first ever new car...and the first car I bought in my name only! It was a pretty big deal to get the loan on my own and I'm still darn proud of my little car. I love it! If I were to go back and pick a new car again, I'd be hard pressed to choose a different car (although I love both of my cousins cars, Hyundai Sonata).
7. Toby is my spoiled rotten baby. I really thinks he believes he's human...or maybe a cat. Besides the barking there isn't much to indicate he's a dog. haha He's cute lil mug gets him out of trouble most of the time. His mamaw (aka my mom) lets him think he's king of the house. The sad thing is - it really is his house, he just allows us to live there!
Number 3 - Share 7 of your blog posts that fit into the following categories:
Most beautiful: MK Photo Shoot wish I looked that good EVERY day...ha
Most helpful: I don't wanna spend my whole life asking... it was helpful to myself, not sure about anyone else, but that song still resonates with me!
Most popular: Day 307 this cracks me up because the most popular post in a long time was the one where I shared that I went on a date...haha...I know, I'm totally boring and never date anymore even though the one thing I want most in life is a family of my own. I just kept hoping God would bring the right one without me searching so hard and since that has happened (yet), I'm going to date whomever comes along.
Most controversial: I honestly couldn't think of anything and the one that I thought probably crossed the line, I couldn't find. ha It was about elections & I was on my soap box. :p
Most surprisingly successful: WW Before & After everyone was so kind and I really didn't expect any comments! I am 2 pounds lighter than I was in the "after" picture and looking forward to taking several more of these!
Most underrated: Starting a Revolution! I still am a big fan of ionic detoxes and would encourage everyone to try one if you have a local place that offers them. Worth every penny.
Most pride-worthy: G'Day Mates! actually this is just 1 of MANY posts about my one-month Australia/New Zealand/Hong Kong trip (read the whole series if you must! ha) but I feel blessed that I was able to afford this trip for myself and proud that I did it on my own! my 1st international trip - my 1st solo trip
Number 4 - Nominate 7 other bloggers.
1. Jenn at Bliss to Bean
2. Breanna at Counting Blessings
3. Rajean at DR Bergman
4. Missy at Writing Home
5. Sarah Kate at Nothing But Blue Skies
6. Tammy at Lemons, Avocados, and the Bay
7. Meghan at Little Girl in the Big World
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