Time for an update on the boy...aka AxMan. haha This moniker should probably change as he's hoping to switch jobs soon, but I guess he'll always be AxMan to me. ;)
Anyway...back to the story! So in my last post, I mentioned that I saw him 3 out of 3 days...that is no longer correct, I've seen him 6 of 7 days. 6 days in a row. I think that is some kind of record for me! Seriously. I've always lived at least 45 minutes away from any guy I've ever "dated." It's really cool to have him so close. I'm not sure how thrilled mom is with it since he's been at the house almost every one of those days, but we usually just hang out and watch tv or listen to music. The only reason I didn't get to see him last night was because he had a last minute opportunity to have his girls for a few hours. I certainly didn't want to interfere with that. Yesterday was our first rough patch in the relationship. (He officially asked me to be his girlfriend on Saturday night. And I said yes. It was kinda cute. haha) We had a bit of miscommunication, which will happen when you can only text and not talk face to face (since we were both working). We worked it out though, somewhat. This morning we finished sorting out our little misunderstanding. All is well again. I'm sort of relieved we've gone through something already. It showed me that either one of us can have a bad day and unintentionally push away the other, but that neither one of us are budging. It's pretty darn cool. I know he's sticking around. I realize I owe you all more of an explanation than that, but I'm not ready to give up all my real-life details just yet! ha Thanks Kayla for being there via text last night to remind me to just "go with the flow." I'm certainly the happiest I've been...possibly EVER. Also big thanks to O & K who don't blog (but now read this blog! ha) but are lifelong friends and have been so supportive no matter what! :) So now that we've worked out what was causing the confusion, I'm looking forward to seeing him tonight. It's ridiculous how comfortable I am with him. We've only been talking a little over a week. Today marks the one week point since we first met in person/had our first date. And yes, while I've never considered those things milestones in the past, it's nice to be with someone who remembers the little things like that and tells me.
Still being cautious, but I'm definitely optimistic. I realize you get hurt more the more you open yourself up to someone...this time I'm willing to take the risk. Stupid?
Thyroid Surgery
2 weeks ago